Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Web of Wyrd

"Wyrd, the old English word from which we gain our modern word, “weird” refers to a complex relationship between fate and free will. We are said to have our Wyrd, our destiny, but in many pre christian spiritualities it was thought we are obliged to work constructively with our Wyrd, seeking to understand it and seeking to work consciously in partnership with it. An understanding of Wyrd reveals that the true nature of time is non-linear. Behind apparent chaos there is invisible order, and behind randomness there is also order and design. All is interwoven, and this is the web of Wyrd."
These words from Russ Gardener sum up my deeply held philosophy about life. All is interconnected and all is as is meant to be. We are where we are meant to be when we are meant to be there, and if we are open to it, people come into our lives when we most need them to ... to facilitate lessons we are here to learn ... to share our joys or our sorrows ... to walk the journey we call life with us for a time. Whatever their purpose, there is a reason they are there at that time, as we too have a purpose for being in their lives at any given moment. I often use the term WoW, as in a WoW moment or I will hear a story and simply smile inside thinking "ah the WoW at work again"

Scrapbooking has been no exception. I came to this world just a year ago in response to a page my niece showed me of her daughter, and I began a journey that has had those moments of WoW. I've met people who I've learnt so much from, and I like to think my presence in their lives has had meaning for them too (in fact I know it has, but more of that another time). I do know that I will come across a designer or a kit or a QP at just the right time, or someone will contact me about a page I've published saying how it reflected what they were experiencing at that very time. But for now I just wanted to share today's scrap which depicts the WoW as I understand it.
The layout was created using a QP from Anita's "Simple Beauty" kit at Nana's Attic. You can get it and much more of her wonderful kits HERE

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Songmaster

Tonight I'm taking a break from scrapping and spending some time on my other addiction .. reading! After reading my first Tamara McKinley novel I've become addicted to any book with early australian settlement as a theme. Di Morrisey doesnt necessarily fit that category but this contemporary novel had me hooked from the opening lines in the prologue .."The man was not old, nor young, but of an age that knew wisdom, knew pain, yet still moved forward with bright eyes and a hopeful heart" ... something we could all aspire to. Stay tuned for more quotes from this insightful and thought provoking novel! For now I'm off to curl up with it and its wisdoms.
This layout was created using NutkinTailz magnificent "Aussie Kit" (a rare and unique find) and can be found HERE

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Steps to Our Wedding

This weekend we again visited the site for our wedding ceremony and while we were there we got these impromptu shots on the steps where we will be married. Its so exciting to think in just 103 days we will be sitting there as man and wife!

This gorgeous QP is from Flergs and is called Cottage Chic. You can get it HERE

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nooks n Crannys at Experiment Farm

One of the things I adore about Experiment Farm is all the shady nooks and crannys to be found when you stroll around the property, and how lovingly the grounds are tended by the volunteers and the National Trust. It's so exciting to think in just 104 days we will be married in this setting!
Both layouts were created using "Natural Things" by Tamara Pahlke at Tamis Scrapblog and the wordart is by Tina Chambers at Digital Scrapbooking Place

An Historic Australian Site for Our Wedding

Experiment Farm Cottage stands on the site of the first land grant in Australia, made in 1789 by Governor Phillip to the former convict, James Ruse. By 1791 Ruse had successfully farmed the 30 acre site as an experiment in self-sufficiency, proving that a new settler could feed and shelter his family with relatively little assistance to get started.
The Indian-style bungalow there today was built by Surgeon John Harris, who purchased the land from Ruse in 1793 for ₤40. It is thought to have been built by c1835. It is one of Australia’s oldest standing properties, and features in an 1837 sketch and subsequent watercolour by Conrad Martens.
The house is furnished to reflect the home of Surgeon Harris, with simple but elegant pieces from the National Trust’s collection of early colonial furniture, the largest of its kind in Australia. In the year 2000, the National Trust landscaped and planted the immediate grounds, using evidence from early paintings, plant catalogues and photographs to recreate, as far as possible, an authentic setting for the cottage. Guided tours are available, and a permanent display in the cellar tells the story of the site in all phases of its occupation; indigenous and colonial to the present day.
We will be married on the front steps of the cottage followed by a cocktail party in the gardens or the courtyard.
This layout of Experiment Farm Cottage was made using the beautiful "Summer Wedding" kit by Linda Walton at Bon Scrapatit Designs.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hambledon Cottage

This layout, also using Linda Walton's "Summer Wedding" is Hambeldon Cottage, another beautiful historic site we looked at for our wedding. The great appeal for us was the 200 year old oak trees, the one in the layout was planted in 1850 and is just magnificent even when bare of leaves!

You can download this kit over at Bon Scrapatit Designs and be sure to leave some love for Linda when you do!

Summer Wedding !

When Chris asked me to marry him just over 2 weeks ago Linda Walton at Bon Scrapatit Designs released her gorgeous "Summer Wedding" kit in the color of my dress so I've been busy creating layouts with some of the parts of it as I download them. This week I've done layouts for the three historic heritage sites we were looking at for the wedding. A bit more about the history of these beautiful sites later but for now here's the layout of Elizabeth Farm.

You can get SUMMER WEDDING at http://bonscrapatitdesigns.blogspot.com/
Thank you Linda for your generosity in sharing this with us especially at such a busy time for you!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time!

Winter Solstice is a celebration of the returning Sun and warmth to the world as it makes its cycle around the earth. It is a time to share with friends and family, for fun and feasting and gifts. It is the festival of the Promise, of new life and hope after the darkest time. I was born on the Solstice and this 51st solstice of my time on this earth has special meaning for me as I take the first step into the next chapter of my life. On that day I agreed to marry my best friend, my lover, my soul mate! What better time to start blogging!
In an ironic twist of fate, I'd recently come across this beautiful QP and was just waiting for the perfect way to use it.
"Fresh Cut Flowers" can be found at Bon Scrapatit Designs.
Be sure to leave a comment for Linda if you download it.